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Using Bibliodrama to Explore Stories of Hope

Orlando Psychodrama Training

Small Group In-Person (7 participants, 8 with trainer)

Let there be hope

WHEN: Sunday 3/21/21  9:30am-4:30pm

WHERE: 108 Robin Rd #2006 Altamonte Springs FL

COST:    $125 for 6 CE Units/ $75 students/interns

Bibliodrama uses sociodramatic interventions to explore literature and the written word in action.  During this time of uncertainty, hope is an important intra-psychic strength that will help us remain grounded, connected and engaged.  On the other hand, isolation and hopelessness fosters depression, loneliness and despair.  This workshop will use Bibliodrama to access hope for ourselves and our clients.  Come join us as we identify exercises with the written work to foster faith in better days.  Through sociometric connection, learn and experience doubling, role reversal and other techniques in bibliodramatic enactments that will revive hope and build resiliency. 

bibliodrama and sociodrama


Julie Wells LCSW, TEP

Julie Wells LCSW, CP, TEP

Julie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 24 years of Human Services experience.  She has a private practice in Clearwater and offers training opportunities to various healthcare and social services organizations.

She is also a Certified Practitioner and Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy and an elected member of Board of Director of the AMERICAN BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN PSYCHODRAMA, SOCIOMETRY AND GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY

clean air
hand wash
keeping it clean

*All efforts will be made to safely meet in person by sitting 6 feet apart; requiring masks; offering face shields; limiting participants to 7 (8 with trainer); available disinfectant/sanitizer; and hand-washing breaks.  Additionally, this facility has multiple rooms to allow smaller breakout opportunities and has an air filter system that cleans the air 5xs per hour. Unfortunately, due to the novelty of this disease, safety cannot be guaranteed.


Advance notice of changes will be communicated. 

Please contact me with any questions or concerns. 

Continuing Education Units are approved for Florida LCSW, LMHC, LMFT (provider #50- 15456, Exp. 3/23)

Psychodrama Hours are approved for Certification in Psychodrama with ABE (American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry & Group Psychotherapy).


Suncoast Psychodrama Training 26133 US Hwy 19 N # 306 Clearwater, FL 33763  Contact: Julie Wells LCSW, CP, TEP 727-688-5800 SW9966  © 2023 by Name of Site. Proudly created with

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